In early 1956, The Prof.Dr.Domingos Andreucci, agreed directing the Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School, creating the Department. At the time the Department worked with two instructors diuturnamente: Doctors José de Carvalho Guimarães and Luis Roberto Nogueira. After two years of activities Prof. Andreucci left the Department being replaced by Prof.Dr.Bussamara Neme.

Professor Neme was Head for a period of five months, from March to August 1958. In November 1958, invited by Prof.Dr.Zeferino Vaz, Director of the School, he took the Head of the Department Raul Martinez Prof.Dr.Alberto , developing various activities such as: internal structure reorganization, selection and appointment of school teachers, development of teaching program, better use of ward beds, encourage scientific part with publications, participation in conferences, and training of researchers.

As teaching instructors counted only three, insufficient number for the hospital routine, because the ward worked twenty-four hours without interruption and without regard to the education sector. Thus, it was also among the graduates in the first class of the College who was seriously committed to working full-time basis, culminating in the signing of Doctors Hemil Riscalla and Nelson Augusto.

Later they requested stage in the Service Doctors Italo Baruffi, Manglio Fronzaglia, Norma Aparecida Mansoni Campos and Carlos Eduardo Martinelli, complementing the deficient number of educational instructors.

On April 22, 1959, Dr. José de Carvalho Guimarães suffered tragic death losing the Department of your selfless instructors. From February 1960, initiates activities the first class of Resident Doctors, Doctors with Sergio and Arnaldo Bighetti Zanardi. In March of the same year, also now has Dr.Carlos Eduardo Martinelli as Education Instructor, for a period of two years on a full time basis.

In May 1961, the Dr.Bighetti was assigned to train in the Radiotherapy Department of the Hospital A.C.Camargo, with the aim of training for deployment in service.

The Department Managers had the following sequence: Prof.Dr. Sunday Andreucci in the 1956-1958 period; Prof.Dr. Bussamara Neme from March to August 1958; Prof.Dr. Raul Alberto Martinez of 1958-1969, the 1975-1979 and 1982-1985; Prof.Dr. Italian Baruffi, from 1971-1975 and 1979-1982. The Prof.Dr. Roberto Salles Meirelles directed the Department from January 1985 to January 1989, this period was the break up of the same through the Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics (01.04.85). In 1989 he was returned to the Head of the Department remained until January 1991. Then he was elected the Prof.Dr. Marcos Felipe Sá Silva for the biennium 1991-1993. In January 1993, he became Head of the Department, the Prof.Dr.Sérgio Pereira da Cunha, for the biennium 1993-1994 being extended for the period 1995-1996. On January 3, 1997 took over as head Prof Dr Rui Alberto Ferriani for the biennium 1997-1998 being extended for the period 1999-2000. Then he was elected Prof. Dr. Geraldo Duarte for the biennium 2001-2002, being extended for the period 2003-2004. On January 3, 2005 took over as head Prof Dr Rui Alberto Ferriani for two terms (2005-2008).

The first meeting of the Bureau was held on 03.24.59, and the first of the Department Council was 02/13/70. The bylaws was approved on 08/16/86, when implemented the Education Coordination, Research, Assistance and Administrative.

They were Secretaries of the Department to Srta.Jenny S.Villandangos 1958-1983; Miss. Maria do Carmo Lucia 1983-1991 and Miss. Iara Maria Correa 1991 to 199, Mr. Reinaldo Tavares Vincent and Mrs. Ilza Mazocatto to date.

The historical evolution stands the 70’s with the establishment of the Graduate in Ribeirao School of Medicine and Obstetrics Department. The Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics was authorized by the Rector of the University of São Paulo, at the level of Master’s and Doctorate in 1.6.71 governed by Ordinance GR-1212/70 of 06/25/70 of Ribeirão Medical School Black. The course was recognized on 06.29.71 by the National Research Council as a Centre of Excellence, able to teach graduate school in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Was accredited in the Federal Board of Education in 1974, the levels of Masters and PhD for five years as Tocogynecology concentration area. The first students enrolled were Drs Sergio Pereira da Cunha, Prado Silesius, José Gonçalves Franco Jr. and Dr.. Martha Edna Holland Diogenes Yazlle.

Were coordinators of the Graduate Area Course, the Professors Roberto Salles Meirelles in the period from 01.06.71 to 1983; Marcos Felipe Sá Silva from 1983 to 1989; Rui Alberto Ferriani 1990-1991, Profa.Dra. Maria Matheus March 1991 Room 2002, Prof. Dr. Marcos Felipe Sá Silva from 2003 to 2004, Prof. Dr. Jurandyr Moreira de Andrade from 2005 to 2006 and Prof. Antonio Alberto Nogueira, 2007 to date.

All facilities of the Service were located at the Hospital of the Campos Bernardino Street, 1000. In March 1978 there was a change in these parts for the new University Hospital, located in the Campus of the Faculty. Before the change the area under the Department’s jurisdiction was 1500 m2 going to 4655.39 m2 in the new facility.

The assistance to the community was initially provided by the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Hospital Maternity Sinha Junqueira in the Santa Casa de Ribeirão Preto Mercy, and now, at the Hospital Campus Clinics and Emergency Unit and Centres health Lobato and Vila Ipiranga and Regional Women’s Hospital – Mater.

The first delivery occurred on 7/8/56 at 13:40 hours, being normal and the male newborn. The first surgery performed by the Department was an earlier and later Colpoperinorrafia on 08/31/56 at 10:00 am in Room 03 of the Old HC (Maternity Sinha Junqueira). Earlier the sector with the collaboration of Medical Assistants Volunteers, and later with the Engaged Doctors Hospital das Clinicas.

The Managers Clinic, were in charge of the following Doctors Teachers: Department Head (1956-1960); Italian Baruffi (1961-1978); Sergio Pereira da Cunha (1978-1988); Mauricio Mesquita Sabino de Freitas (1989-1990), Geraldo Duarte (1991-1997, Antonio Alberto Nogueira (1998-2004) and Helio Carrara from 2004 to date.

The Department maintains a Medical Residency course since 1960, accredited by the National Commission of Medical Residence of the Ministry of Education. When this was implemented initially were 2 vacancies for Medical 1st year resident and currently we have 14 vacancies for the 1st year, 14 seats for the 2nd year and 14 vacancies for the 3rd year, and the third year was deployed in 1965 with emphasis on specific areas.

The Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics implemented the Laboratory of Physiology and Obstetrics Pharmacology in 1970, initially installed on the HC-Velho (Hospital of Maternity Sinha Junqueira). The move to the HC-Campus took place in 1978, with all existing activities over the implementation of the Human Reproduction Program (assisted fertilization).

Since its inception, the Department has participated intensely in congresses, conferences, symposia and scientific meetings in Brazil and abroad through its Faculty and Students of the Graduate Course.


1956 – creating the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

1962- Installed the first auxiliary services for diagnosis of gynecologic lesions (Culdoscopy, Colposcopy, Colpocytology, Endocrinology Laboratory, Diatermocoagulacão, Sterility, Pathology and Breast Radiotherapy

1960 – Sector Obstetrical Physiology – pioneering work in Brazil on fetal assessment, through exchange with School of Physiology Prof. Obstetric Caldeyro Barcia

1962 start of Gynecologic Oncology Sector, which has always been a pioneer in various gynecological surgeries

1964 – Mounted the Department of Research Laboratory, with major repercussions to the woman’s care, such as results of research involving human placenta, fetal physiology, endocrinology and gynecological oncology

1969 – early pioneering work of primary care in obstetrics and gynecology, with the completion of an agreement with the Community and Social Center “Vila Lobato” service model which is now adopted by SUS

1971 – establishment of the Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology, the country’s first

1972 – implementation of the Family Planning Service, which is of service to couples model until today

1978 – HC Campus by creating more specialized clinics and increasing the number of hospital beds. New sub-specialties are still emerging, showing great power upgrade and implementation of new techniques. Are areas of clinical care active

1980 – Pregnancy Service Creation of High Risk, Brazilian model of care of patients pregnant maternal risk and / or perinatal

1992 – Start of the Assisted Reproduction Service

1996 – Home Diseases Infectious service in Gynecology and Obstetrics

1998 – Inauguration of Motherhood obstetric care of low complexity

2008 – Mater Transfer to state administration, with the creation of the Regional Women’s Hospital – Mater for care of low complexity in Gynecology and Obstetrics